Before you start reading I need you to know I am not a doctor nor am I a medical care person. I am sharing this blog to help you navigate your pregnancy and find the top advisers that will guide you and help you during this time of your pregnancy. Let’s get started how do I tell if I am pregnant? Track your periods, Have you missed your period? Do you fell your breast are tender? Are you nausea or fatigue? Are you running to the bathroom more often? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions? Are you asking yourself this and you are unable to get to the doctor? Let’s head to the store and grab one of the 3 top pregnancy test.
- Clearblue Early Detection
- First Response Early Result
- Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown
During my research of finding the most value on what to share with my readers. I found that many new moms are wanting phone trackers to track the journey of their pregnancy. If you are one of those moms Here are two of the top trackers. 1. The Bump Baby Tracker and Pregnancy 2. Pregnancy+. I would love to hear which App. you like best.

When will you start showing?
You may see a little bump start peeking at the end of your first trimester. You definitely will see your baby during your second trimester, this is month four of pregnancy. Every woman’s body is different and your baby is unique and will bump your belly as they start to grow more. If this is your second baby when did you start showing with your first pregnancy?

When will I be able to eat without the sick feeling? I remember this all to well. My bland diet of saltine crackers, peppermint/ spearmint candies, water, ginger ale and gatorade was my go to for what felt like my entire first trimester. After that first trimester I can remember vividly waking up craving odd foods. Thankfully I had a support system that would grab me burritos from Taco Bell, Fries from McDonalds, Pickles from the gas station and when a midnight craving hit Ice Cream and a movie is what I grabbed. Not the best foods for my second trimester craving but I was eating and keeping it down, right. lol

We have worked through finding out your pregnant,nausea and cravings. Next let’s find the best doctor in your network and that fits the needs you want.
- Find a OB/GYNs/ Family doctor in your network.
- Search the list of doctors and find one that is reputable and look be sure to read their reviews.
- Be sure they deliver at the hospital that you want to go to or if you want a home birth.
- Interview your doctors and be sure they meet what you are looking for and your needs.

I will end with a few top things to do now that you are pregnant.
- Schedule your prenatal appointment with your family practitioner. This is when you can ask them for a list of OB/GYNs that take your insurance. No insurance, you can inquire what you need to do and what doctors will care for you and your unborn baby.
- If you are currently on medicines, Ask your doctor right away if the medications are safe for your unborn baby.
- Think about your diet. keeping healthy and eating the right foods are essential.
- Move your body. I am not talking about joining the gym if you are not already doing this. But, if you are not active. Let’s get active. Possibly finding a walking buddy.
- Stop drinking alcohol, try to quit smoking and if you need help seek help with your medical doctors.
- Be sure to find a prenatal vitamin that works for you. Ask your doctor for advice.
- Find yourself a prenatal Chiropractor.

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