Hey friends! Traffic in my blog posts are not getting the interaction I would like. I needed to step out of the box and bring you true and tried products. Let me share how and why I decided to try these products.
Let me first start with I am no affiliated nor do I sell Norwex. I had a home party with my friends Many of my friends already had the Norwex products and came to support my party and hang out which was great as they told me what I must have right away to start healthy cleaning. Yay! for great friends.
The best part cleaning with Norwex, no matter how old your kids are the cloths you clean with are safe from harmful chemicals. Personally If my kids want to help me clean, I will hand them a damp Enviro. cloth and let them help you. Create a fun way to get chores done without the drag out frustration of the chore itself.

After my party closed, I was so excited to learn I earned over 200 dollars in product!!! Once I placed my order, It took about 3 to 5 business days to arrive. This past week I was excited to have a day off to clean. I know I am weird that I was excited to clean. But, I really could not wait to test out these products and see if they really worked. Cleaning my house normally takes me alone 4 hours. I was super surprised it took me less than 2 hours to dust, windex, sweep, mop and vacuum the house. This was a win! win!

Below are Norwex items that I used. I love that did not have to carry around a bottle of dusting polish, the windex spray bottle, All the bathroom products I use to carry with me. I also did not have to dilute mop cleaner. Do I have your attention?
- EnviroCloth® I used this for the kitchen counters, refrigerator wipe down, Microwave cleaning, all my mirrors, windows and bathroom cleaning. All I did was wet with regular sink water and ring the cloth out after each use.
- Dusting Mitt I did dampen the dust mitt with my sink water. I rung out the excess water. You can use this dry if you prefer. I dusted my entire house with this little mitt.
- EnviroWand® with Two-Sided Sleeve I used this dry for my fans, blinds, return vents above the doors and baseboards. Super easy as the wand bends and you can bend to fit the fans. Easy Peasy!
- Superior Mop System After sweeping with my broom I then went and mopped my floors with water as well. Safe for your little ones that crawl, dogs and animals that lick everything on the floor as well.
- I vacuumed my house with my Shark vacuum.
That is it! It was so fast and easy to use. No harsh Chemical. You are getting all the dirt out of your house safely. I am a believer of Norwexs hashtag #LiveCleanerSaferBetter
I do not sell Norwex. I did fall in love with their products and I felt like you might like them as well. If you want a cleaner safer way to live. contact Alicia and let her know I sent you. I do not get any kick backs for sharing her website or if you order through her. I honestly just was amazed with how easy it was to clean my house. I felt safe cleaning and not freaking out that our dogs might grab something harmful I was using.
Alicia is my Norwex Consultant. Here is her link:
Have you used Norwex products before? What is your favorite product?

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Rekart Photography
Maternity | Newborn | Milestone Photographer