Life’s Balance of Motherhood

Life Balance being a mom, Wife and finding your own identity is something many women struggle with. Are you struggling with this? Schools back in session for most of you and know is the time to not only rest life but also finding who you are. Buckle up as we dive into resting life, learning how to juggle all the things motherhood has for you and finding your own identity

Alrighty slugger grab a paper and pen as we dive into the nitty gritty of life and balance and finding out who you are. Let’s first do a daily rest list.

Everyday quick daily reset:

  • Exercising (let’s not forget to take care of yourself). Get your Small Modern and fill it up with Ice water. Drink up, stay hydrated.
  • Make everyone’s bed ( Here is also a teaching moment) I’ll dive into this soon.
  • Get everyone dressed. ( I will have tips for this as well.
  • Breakfast (not just coffee for you. Need something fast we will talk more about this after the list is made.
  • Brush teeth, wipe your face or if you have time jump in the shower to wake up and rejuvenate yourself.
  • Start laundry.
  • Wipe down the toothpaste and the pee on the seat of your toilet, I know them little boys miss the toilet.
  • Prep Dinner.
  • Wash dishes, wipe counters and wash out the kitchen sink.
  • Reset the living room and pick up the toys, books and maybe them blankets.
  • Take the kids to school, Crap we forgot to make the lunch, soon you won’t have to worry about this in the morning. I gotcha!
  • Toss clothes in the dryer.
  • Toddler play time
  • Make the toddler lunch.
  • Be sure to have lunch and not just the leftovers your toddler has not ate.
  • Laying toddler to nap.
  • Fold clothes.
  • Sweep/Mop the kitchen
  • Check homework, sign school papers and go through the school folders.
  • Start dinner
  • Eat
  • Outside time for you and the kids.
  • Bathtime (let’s wash the school off the kids.
  • Kids in bed by 7:30-8pm.

Together let’s break this into a real life happening. This list is not at all a MUST DO! This is just a example of what you can do. Take what works and leave the rest. Do not overwhelm yourself. When you wake up, take 5 to 10 minutes for you. Stretch them legs and grab your drink of choice. Kids are stirring and they are ready to start the day. Those 5 to 10 minutes gives you time to start your day first. want to grab a shower before the kids wake, set your alarm for an extra 15 minutes to wake-up and grab that shower after you stretch.

You managed to get clothes on before the kids got up and asked for breakfast. I have a helpful tip. Monday-Friday At night have the kids pick the outfit what they want to wear including shoes. set the outfits on the chair or dresser in their rooms, be sure they can get to the outfits, without your help.

Another time consuming morning task that can get overwhelming is breakfast and lunch. Cereal can be made the night before without milk of course. Lunches have the kids help. Ask them what they are looking to eat. Let’s be realistic give them a choice. PB & J or cheese and Bologna, grabs or strawberries,pretzels or cheese its and a fruit box make it up the night before and have in the refrigerator ready to grab and put in the backpack.

Before you get the kids from school set a snack at the table and a drink so the kids can grab their homework when they get home and do this with a snack. This is your chance to check the folder, sign the papers and make sure everything is good to go. on your end. When everything is done, put the backpack by the shoes and sweater or coats near the door, This helps have everything ready to grab in the morning. Do you have dance, soccer or an after school activity. You are running to this before dinner or after dinner? This night look a little different you might have to add two outfits out on the day that you are all home and be sure to choose another pair of shoes for each outfit so they are both out and ready to go.

Let’s get back to making mornings easier for you. Kids are up while you are making your bed this is a great time for the kids to learn to make their bed. Will the bed be perfect like you do it? (NOPE!) While kids are getting dressed in the morning, Put the toothpaste on the toothbrush before jumping into the shower. Go grab yourself a banana and yogurt. Did you make eggs for the kids make extra for yourself.

Kids are dressed, fed, teeth are brushed and you have found time to brush their hair. Toss the dirty clothes in the washer and head out the door to drop the kids off at school. If you are working as well you might need to drop the toddler off at the daycare. Hopefully you are able to head back to the house and feed the dogs, Grab a fresh cup of coffee, take out dinner and toss the washer clothes into the dryer. If this is not the case you may have to rearrange your schedule to fit your work schedule. I absolutely give you working mom’s a applause 👏 because I know juggling it all is hard. But you can still make it easier for yourself, Always remember to give yourself grace. If you are a stay at home momma or you work for home, let’s dive into the rest of your day. I can help you better as I was a work from home momma. Not everyday is easy and some days i lacked the control because the kids did not want to go to school or get outta bed when told. You also need to give these days and yourself grace.

You are back home. Grab the toddler a few toys or a few books. If they are not having it set up a kids show for 30 minutes. Let’s reset before you have to tend to your toddler or get to your home office. Toss the dishes in the dishwasher, clothes in dryer, feed the animals and water them. This is a great time to let them out to potty if you did not have the time to let them out earlier. Did you take out dinner or toss it in the crockpot? No worries, Tonight could actually be a fast pasta night. Before you forget or the day gets busy head to the freezer and take 2 days out and put it in the refrigerator. Wipe the kitchen counters down, Sweep the kitchen from breakfast and reset livingroom.

If it is a nice morning take the toddler for a nice walk, maybe to the park or in the backyard to play with the dogs. Toddler at the daycare and you need to get to work. Grab yourself a hot cup of coffee and some water. You might want to grab a snack as well. I really love having grabs beside me while I am in the office so I am snacking and getting things done. Again, Your workday will be different then mine so make it work for you.

LUNCHTIME!!! This is a big challenge for me. If it is a workday for me, I tend to have premade salads and a yogurt to eat. If it is a day I can make something then I will reset the living room and I will make lunch. If it is a nice day I will bring my lunch to the deck and grab some fresh air before heading to finish chores or work. Do not forget to be drinking your water.

After lunch: Fold laundry if there is time in between going back to work. If the toddler is with you,This is a fun time for your toddler to learn how use their imagination play. Play with dolls, trucks or play with blocks. while you fold laundry you are able to fold and work with your toddler as they play. What color is the block or what color truck do you have. How are you taking care of baby. Asking questions and seeing what they answer is a great way for you to be hands off and work on laundry. I know it is easy to sit behind my computer and tell you what to do. I have actually been where you are and this what I did. I tried to stay away from screen time as much as possible however somedays you might have to revert to this. It is okay.

Toddler nap time and you need to get back to work. If you are not working at this time, this might be a great time to get creative and find out what you as a person enjoy. Do you want to read a book? Do you want to learn to paint? Do you want to write a blog or book. The list is endless. Just start.

Toddler is up from their nap and you need to get ready to pick up the older kids. Do not forget to put the snacks on the table, drink with snack.

Kids are home, everything gets chaotically out of control for a second. Let’s navigate the kids to the table for snack and start getting back packs in order. Homework check folder. Start homework, sign all the papers. Older kids have after school activity soon. Homework is done! Let’s say the kids can take the dog outside to play in the backyard safely without you. Toddler wants to go too, but you tell them that as soon as you clean up snack you all can go outside. Here is a quick reset. Wipe up Snack time, homework and get backpacks in order. You may need to start dinner and it might be raining so things will look differently make it work for you with less stress by giving the older child time to be a big sibling and play with toddler while you clean up and reset and maybe start dinner so it is not so crazy when you get home from the activity you will soon be going to.

Home from said activity and you are running low on energy, you go this. Heat up dinner while kids catch a little tv time. It is okay to have screen time do not feel guilty.

Eat dinner and talk about your day. I loved asking the kid about their day but many times they are tired and cranky and not forthcoming. We go around the table and ask the best thing that happened today. The icky of the day and what they look forward to the next day. Make it work for your family, Many times it takes away the stress of what the kiddo is allowing to bother them and it helps you better understand what happens at school when you are not there to care for them.

After dinner one parent can give the kids a bath and the other can clean up dinner( do not forget to sweep and mop). Are you a solo momma. Just breath… Give the kids a bath, get them in jammies and have them play with their toys. You can clean up dinner. Once dinner clean up is done get their toothbrushes ready and sit down and join the kids with a game. When the game is over have a snack with the kids before bed. While the kids are brushing their teeth you are cleaning up snack. Have the kids come help you with the next days lunch prep. Put it in the refrigerator. Head to the kids room to pick up the next two days of clothes. TIP: Pick out three outfits and allow them to choose two. This makes it easy. Everything is ready for the morning and the kids are winding down for bedtime. If you read before they go to bed this is a great time to do this.

YOU TIME: If you are anything like me and you need to double check everything that is done do it. This is honestly a 5 minute check and you can reset the house as you do this. If you prefer to shower at night make sure kids are sleeping so you do not feel stressed one of the kids are wondering the house while you are trying to unwind. I also make a list of must do tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, grocery list, clean out the refrigerator, wipe down the mirrors, clean the bathrooms, sort the mail, change the bedroom sheets, clean baseboards and fans. All the house tidying things. Maybe a birthday is coming up and you need buy a gift. Making a list helps me get less stressed.

mom and baby's hands

If you have a helpful tip for making life as a momma less stressful let us know in the comments. Do you enjoy reading blogs like this let me know. Thank you for reading!

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