Where do I go from here? My second blog of the year. My last blog was hard and maybe a little too personable. If I made you feel uncomfortably reading it… I wish I could said sorry, but I cannot. I want to be real. I want be my authentic self when I show up. Some weeks you will get a real raw picture of life and others like today you will find me confused on what to write, while at other times I will be so over the moon with learning and a beautiful session that I will have to share it with you.
Here I am, I am showing up because I promised myself that this year no matter how I will try to post a blog a week or at least a blog a month depending on the schedule and sessions I have.

Cute little guy because that was a lot of deep words from me.
What do I want from blogging? I want you to interact with me. Reply to a blog this year. If you understand or feel what I am writing let me know. I want to hear from you. You writing back gives me hope that I am not writing just to write. I am writing because you are reading and maybe something I write is having you feel, think or giving you an idea for another blog, who knows maybe leave me a question and I could help you as well at least this is my hope for this year.

What does January look like for you? What have you been up to? We are in the second week and for me I have learned how to declutter my basement and my photography props. I have learned that ICE is very hard to shovel and I do need my husband to help chip the ICE before I get to clean the walk way for my clients. I also learned to get my office cleaned up and ready for the new year. I also found that I need to learn to meal prep. Are you a meal prepper? Do you have a healthy recipe that you would like to share with me? What about an easy way to meal prep? I am struggling and I could use any and all tips. I am also very happy that I am back to in the studio this week. Hopefully we are done with the ICE storms what about you?

Do you have something that you are working on this year? Exercise, Book reading, business or another goal to achieve? Let’s talk! Share with me.
Do you need a new professional headshot? I am offering a January discount on just that. Get with me and let’s update your profession headshot. These will be done in my home studio in Union,Mo. rekartphotography@gmail.com