I am so excited to have this lady on my blog for you all to learn about her . Samantha and I met over a decade ago. I have watch her grow in her business and family. I am honored to have Samantha Lamping of The Trailside in Marthasville, Mo.
Before I start this interview, More like a Q & A I want to share how you can follow and learn more about Chiropractic with Dr. Samantha Lamping.

Who are you? Dr Samantha Lamping
How long have you been a Chiropractor? I graduated from Logan University (originally Logan College of Chiropractic.) I graduated December 2016, which means I’ve been a chiropractor for a little more than 8 years. That’s absolutely crazy, it seems like just yesterday. I still reminisce on high school days like it was only a few years ago (15+ 🤯)
What is a chiropractic adjustment? The chiropractic adjustment is the art, science and philosophy of removing interference from the nervous system and boosting the body’s “Innate Intelligence.” Innate intelligence is the body’s way of restoring and maintaining itself naturally. For example, knowing how to breathe and digest without telling your self to do so. Adjustments are delivered after careful postural analysis and orthopedic tests are performed to find the areas of most interference. We call these areas “subluxations,” or in layman’s terms: a bone out of place or a pinched nerve. Once the problem spots have been discovered we can deliver the adjustment through several different techniques. I’m a diversified trained chiropractor so I use my hands to adjust the body. This is the technique people are most familiar with because you’ll hear the “crack or pop” we are so well known for. However when it comes to pregnancy care and babies/pediatric patients; the adjustments are significantly lighter. I shall explain this in later questions.
Are adjustments safe for newborn babies? Simple answer: Yes! The manner in which we adjust babies is vastly different from adults. The amount of force used is no more than the pressure you’d apply to test a tomato or touch your eyelid. Babies bones are mostly cartilage at birth and they don’t ossify (turn to bone) until several years later. Therefore, it takes much less force to improve a babies spinal/cranial complaints. In most cases it appears that we aren’t doing much at all, but in the last 8 years I’ve seen several babies and chiropractic has helped their complaints tremendously.

What conditions does chiro treat? Chiropractic helps all kinds of issues. Most commonly I see patients with spinal complaints: low back pain, head aches, pinched nerve, and radiating pain in the arms or legs. In my pregnant population I help with pubic symphysis pain, sciatica, migraines, head aches and trouble Sleeping. For kids and babies I see a lot of GI issues, growing pains, sleep patterns, head shape and neck range of motion, or even difficulties with breastfeeding/latching.

Does chiropractic help children? Yes it does, as babies continue to grow and meet new milestones the body goes through all kinds of changes. As they learn to roll, crawl, sit, stand and walk, the spine is adapting to all of that as well. Especially learning to stand and walk because that also means a lot of falling back down. In most cases their bodies are durable and smart enough to correct itself, but others need a little help. Another thing that changes quickly is their diets, this can lead to issues with constipation or reflux. I have treated several babies and children with these issues and have seen tremendous improvements from both adjustments and discussing food choices, feeding schedules and allergies. In some cases chiropractic also helps with children’s attitude and sleeping issues.

What does the adjustment do? It maximizes your body’s ability to live your best life! As I discussed earlier, the adjustment removes interference and restores proper motion in the spine, or other joints of the body! Every action in the body is controlled by your nervous system, which is safely housed in your skull and spinal canal. If something is effecting those areas the body cannot operate at its highest potential.
When should I visit a chiropractor? Honestly, whenever!! Most people come to the chiropractor when they’ve hurt their back or neck, but you don’t have to be in pain to benefit from chiropractic care. Just like I mentioned earlier, the adjustment helps improve your body’s innate ability to heal and prosper.

Do you have Experience with family chiropractic? Yes!!! I am a chiropractor for every spine at any age. I have treated babies from 2 days old to adults in their 80s plus one 92 year old while on a mission trip in Honduras. I love taking care of the whole family! I see several families abut once a month or so just for wellness preventative care, and it’s my fave 😊 Being able to treat pregnant moms and expectant dads then to treat their babies is such a gift. I am truly blessed to be trusted with this care 🩷

What Types of Treatments Do You Provide? Pregnancy adjustments – I am Webster certified which is a technique used with pregnancy to help balance the pelvis in preparation for delivery. Some mamas get sciatica and low back pain which is not always normal or necessary for the extent of the pregnancy. Simple lighter adjustments can greatly improve the pregnancy experience for Moms.

Newborn adjustments? I use light force or vibrations to help alleviate stress in the babies body. Colic, reflux, constipation, Torticollis , nursing difficulties or trouble meeting milestones are main reasons I see newborns.

Are you taking new patients at this time? Yes we are always taking new patients of any kind. Pre/postnatal care, pediatrics, athletes, wellness care, nutrition, headaches and general back pain. I accept insurance or no insurance patients 🥰🥰
Below you will find a link to Dr. Samantha Lamping’s website. Stay connected and learn how to care for yourself with the mindset of everyone should see a Chiropractor. If you are in the Franklin County, Missouri area I would love for you to book an adjustment with Dr. Lamping. You will thank me after your appointment with her.