Behind the scenes of a busy mom | Union, Mo.

Hey Momma! I see you!!! Whether you are a mom of one or 10, Us moms feel defeated and lost at times. Maybe it is only me? I am a mom of adult children and I am in a season of life where I still feel like I am crossing those ocean waves that at times knock you down. When does the waves stop crashing? When do us moms feel good enough. Proud of what we have done in life? If you have these answers please leave me a comment. If you are unsure then dive in with me to the behind the scene of our busy mom life and maybe together we can grow and see how wonderful we are.

A sweet baby's silly face

I am always trying to remember what I need to do and at times my invisible list gets longer until I have all these tabs open and nothing gets done. The real overwhelming chores, meals to cook, homework to get done, baths to start, beds to be made and if you have multiple children young or old you have arguments to help put out. In this little paragraph I have not even touch the service of a mother’s love. Yes! you read this correctly we as moms do this because we love our children and want the best for them. I am sure I have Dad’s that are on board with this as well, But because I am not a Dad I can not answer for them. I may need to interview some Dads and have a blog just for the Dads out there. If you are a Dad send me a email and I will send you a short questionnaire so I can write about the dads too!

first touch of a newborn

Let me dive into a few things us moms feel from the beginning of starting the journey as a new mom. This is something I feel I could expertly give as I have gone through this season of life twice. As a new mom our first fear is feeling the flutter of your baby. Are you eating the right foods, Are you resting enough and are you laying off things that bring you stress?

Motherhood is hard.

Newborn Posed Photographer | Union,Mo.

Baby is here, now the list or tabs get longer. If you are breastfeeding did you finish off on the left breast or the right. Are you out and about and you hear a sweet baby cry and realize you forgot to add the pad back into your bra and you are standing in the aisle with a let down. Great! One boob is hard because it is almost time to feed or pump while the other has leaked onto the outer part of your shirt. You quickly move and gather the rest of what is on your list or in your brain to grab and then you get home only to realize you forgot about dinner. There is no time to run back to the store as the laundry has sat in the washer and you need to move it over to the dryer, when the phone rings and you answer it to forget about the laundry and you hang up to remember to let the dogs out and have to think did they get fed this morning only to feed them possibly again. Baby needs to be fed and you sit to do this task when you remember you must switch the laundry over and before you know it – it is dinner time and half the tasks did not get completed. I tell this story as I have been here before. Guess what if you are a mom we all have been here. take a deep breath and release it is okay and you are going to forget things. You know what your baby loves you and is thankful for you.

Potty Training!

Yahoo! Diaper duty is done and the next task is potty training. This part is FUN! said no mother ever. This is when your little boys are learning trees outside need to be watered and sometimes those faux trees inside get watered too. If you have little girls they are just as sneaky. Potty training is not for the weak momma. Grab that bottle of wine and sit back and rest assure there will be a clog toilet and possibly accidents on the floor. Better yet when you are out and about be sure to throw a few extra outfits in the bag as you will need them. Do not forget the wipes.

one year portraits

How about the picky eaters. I know momma meal prepping is not easy and I am learning how to do this. I am failing on this so if you have a solution here let me know. I know that you are suppose to track what we’ve had for dinner over the past month, keeping things simple at first and plan your meals, grocery shop and then cook. I have some friends who every Sunday they plan a week’s worth of meals in advance, Seriously they are phenomenal at this. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. knowing what they’re going to eat. Adding all the healthy options to the family meal prep. If you have insight, I need to hear from you. This would be a great way to help others who struggle in this area as well. Drop tips in the comments. Thanks!

Children portraits

Summer is ending and many of you have kids going back to school. Many children will start school for the first time. How do we reset and learn a new schedule? For me two years ago both my kids decided they were moving out and starting the journey of adulthood. That is a completely new segment of its own. Talk about an emotional journey of an empty nester. Anyone with me here?

The planning of new clothes, haircuts, learning about hygiene for the first time. This list can go on and on. My last blog on life’s balance of Motherhood might help you with balancing and resetting.

HARD TOPIC! I think I will share and this is only because it was a focus of social media and I am learning more and more that the schools are asking kids to have access this as such a young age. I am sure they have safety guards in place but what happens when they are at the library, at friends or maybe at home and they get on the internet and run into new friends who may not have your child’s best interest as you do. Talk to your children about stranger danger. This is not only lurking in our community anymore these people are everywhere and if we discuss this openly early on this might save your child from a icky situation.

I want to end with this behind the scenes of a mom is not easy. It is hard and sometimes (okay not sometimes we always) focus on the what should I have done better, how could I have defused the argument before it go worse, Where is the plan I wanted to make, what was the one thing I forgot at the store, I burnt dinner know what… If you see what I did there, We as moms carry so much on our shoulders and feel so much emotion. Many times our post it notes stick to our heart strings and we feel defeated. I have been there way to many times. I am learning to take a task hour by the hour. Many times I find myself forgetting where I put the post it note. I am here to tell you that it is okay to drop the ball every once in a while. What I will not let you do is take it all on yourself. Ask for help, do not feel like you have to do it alone.

Is there something you struggle with and need help better understanding how to do it better? Drop it in the comments, We are not all at the same place in life but in life many of us have been in that place. Let us help you breath easier. Till next time love yourself momma!

Nicole Rekart

I am the owner of Rekart Photography and this blog has nothing to do with photography and everything to do with being a woman, a mom and life’s messy do to list.

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