What do you consider a Luxury Item? | Missouri Blog

Hello! I am popping with something I recently started. I am asking my followers at www.facebook.com/rekartphotography This was my first time asking my followers a question for a blog post and I must say it took off. I will do this more often.

What prompted me to ask this question you ask? I found myself wondering what others thought photography was to them a luxury or a need. I am a Maternity, Newborn and Milestone photographer in Union, Missouri. What I recieved was way more than what I expected. I found a few clients in my email and facebook messenger saying that if this was for my photography that I am worth every penny and they actually saved up to book a session with me. I find that I am a luxury in this day as raises for folks in our area are slim and feeding their family takes precedence. I have also felt I am also a need as I am stopping a few moments families can look back on. A maternity session is something woman do not get everyday.

Blue dress with Pearls, Momma to be

I also feel as if a Newborn session is a need and a luxury. Many do not need a session but what if this was you only baby or maybe your last baby then yes this is a need. See why I had to ask what is a need and what is a luxury. What I feel is a need, might just be someone else luxury.

Newborn Baby

Let me share with you what a few of my followers shared are luxury items to them. Let me know what you feel is a luxury item in the comments to you. I would love to hear your thoughts as well.

  • Paper plates and paper towels are 2 very simple luxuries that make your day to day life easier when you don’t have a dishwasher!
  • As a want: Good conditioner. I know, sounds a bit shallow—but my kids curly hair (and non-pigmented hair) needs good hair product to keep it healthy and I don’t want them to cry when it’s time to brush 🤷‍♀️I still feel like having a vehicle with AC is a luxury, as well as being able to afford AC in your home too.
  • New phone
  • A few tiny luxuries: Batteries, A fridge with filtered water and a ice dispenser. 
  • a peaceful shower. ( When you are a single parent, I do see this being a need).
  • Full night of sleep sometimes!

This was posted for the public to see so I must add this as she is talking about “ME”. I’d say my photographer tops all these tho. You are the luxury of the captured memories of all my babies growing up. That alone is priceless! THANK YOU! THANKYOU! THANK YOU!

Children photographer

After reading these luxury items I must say I did not think of some of these as luxury as I took them for granted as I have these items and at this time I am a mom with adult kids so a warm shower is something I do take as a need but to a single parent this is something that is luxury. I also think I take going potty for granted as I can remember a time when I did not get privacy as I was either walked in on or little fingers where seen under my door. I want to add my luxury items as recently our service dog lost all mobility in her back legs and I thought how do I help her? We are using a towel to help her around until her harness comes in to help us help her to gain her mobility back. Having one right now is a need but I could and I am using a towel so is it an actual luxury to have something else? What about a bed? I have seen so many more homeless people walking out town and I take for granted that I do have a roof over my head with a bed to sleep on. I might be talking deep right know but, the reality is that I think we take it for granted. On a lighter note another thought that passed through my head was the Ocean. I use to live 10 minutes away from the ocean and I would go there weekly with my family. This was something I feel I took for granted. I currently have not salt water ocean near me and I honestly crave it. It is in my soul. Do I need it? I would say yes, I tell my husband I need it yearly. He not living near the ocean says it is a luxury. I get a blue doom and gloom at times not being around the salt water. But maybe I am being a bit dramatic when I tell him I NEED this in my life if not living near the ocean, visiting once a year. Again- what a person feels is a need or a luxury is not at all wrong it is what they are use to. Tell me what do you feel is a luxury. I am not debating this, Please do not come at me. This was just a fun post that took off that I wanted to share with you.

Thank you to my followers that commented and to those who reached out and shared their thoughts as well. I look forward to asking questions and creating a fun blog that you could read. I would love one day to get paid for these blogs but for today, I am writing for your reading pleasure.

Newborn Photographer near you

Follow my social pages and answer my questions, you never know what I am going to write about next. I hope to see you in front of my camera this fall.

Maternity | Newborn | Children Photographer

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