Photography and Lighting | Missouri Photographer

Why this topic? I have gotten several photographers who have asked why do I love my studio so much. Do I need a studio to be successful? Do I need a office to show success? I want to break this down for those who might need an opinion from someone who is a photographer. Who started with no studio, to a home studio, to open two brick and mortar studios back to a home studio. It does not matter if you have a building, home or no studio at all. Success is not what you photograph in. Success is how you make your clients feel.

What color should we paint the nursery?

35mm Canon R6 natural window light

Let me say this again. If you are giving your clients happiness with the art of your photography, this is what matters. We as photographer work hours and I mean hours behind our computer to give our clients the best art we know how. Our clients do not need to know the hours we put in. What our clients need to know is the feeling they get when seeing their loved ones in an album or on their wall. A heirloom they are going to pass down when they may not be here with us.

My joy comes from how my client feel about the love of art that I am able to delivery to them. My saddest times are when that art makes them feel time and time again when this photo is all they have left.

mom and baby's hands

Canon R6 24mm

This is why we should pick up our camera. What we give our clients are important. Never forget why you started photography. Many of us start as a hobbyist. We always question what we are doing matters. Do not compare yourself to another photographer. We are all on a journey to give our clients the best of ourselves and our art. Also never forget not everyone will be a happy with what we deliver. As long as you stay true to your photography and stay consistent in what you show your clients. You are giving 100% off your authentic self. This might be hard to swallow. ( Not everyone will be happy with what we deliver.) I have been there. I have shown my photos to people and they were not happy. However, I knew I shown my best work and was consistent to what had been shown in my work. Does this part suck? BIG TIME! We want everyone to love what we showcase. But, It does not always happen.

Let’s get to the equipment part of photography.

Canon R6 35mm Einstein

A professional photographer will use a DSLR or Mirrorless Camera. Photography lens depends on the photography. Possibly the room layout. Some professional photographers will choose zoom lenses or prime lenses. This is preference. I use a Canon R6 and prime lenses. When I started I used a Canon Rebel and zoom lenses. I soon found that I needed to move into a professional grade camera and decide which len I wanted to use as my work horse. I stayed with zoom lenses until that one day a friend let me try her prime len. It was a nifty fifty and I was sold on this len. I was able to photograph my clients outdoors with this lens. Well…. Soon after this day I went to a conference and took several business classes and I went to a newborn after hour class. I was hooked. I quickly dove into everything newborn. The classes, the mentorship, lastly It was lighting and the correct lenses. Safety was first and then I added the technology. Do your research and find the niche you believe you can offer the best of yourself. What, What does this mean. Where to your thrive? Where do you wake up everyday and feel excited to work?

Canon R6 85mm Natural Light ( No extra softbox was used).

Let’s talk lighting and controlled and natural lighting… Natural light, invites a warm atmosphere. You can use a softbox to achieve this look as well. Using a reflector will help bounce light and reduce shadows. A tripod ensures a steady controlled photo and will help camera shake.

My choice of lighting is The Einstein. It is a flash unit, It allows for color consistency in my studio. This allow a broad spectrum of power range. The Einstein is flexible. Allows you to navigate an overpowering light, caused by the sun. This allows you to use the light indoor for portraits and have the consistent art of your photos. I use a PLM as well. I have the 86″ and 51″ . You will determine what Plm size you want to use. I have my 86″ in the higher ceiling area and I am thinking of moving to the 64″ as the 86″ is a spaceship and takes a lot of room. You will need a trigger for your light and camera to talk to each other.

35mm Canon R6 Einstein in home studio

I hope this helps you understand a little more about photography, studio space and lighting. I am happy to answer your questions, Drop them in the comments.

I am dropping the Paul C Buff link for your use as well.

Here are a few photos I have taken with the lighting and camera. You will also see the photos taken above with the lens I have used. Have a great day and always remember why you picked up your camera.

Maternity | Newborn | Children Photographer

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