The questions that have been asked numerous times that I would like to answer. Do I really want milestone photos? Why would I want to spend the money every few months? Will I really want to have all these photos?

Let’s dive in and talk about milestone photos. newborn photography is a given you definitely want to book the session with a professional trained newborn posed photographer. You may not want posed photos and you may want to do in-home lifestyle photos. When choosing this option be sure to find a photographer that will understand your home lighting and will make you and your family feel comfortable. Photographers who book lifestyle home sessions are not looking at your home, I promise. They are wanting to create beautiful photos of your new addition and your family together.
Moving forward your baby will grow pretty quickly. I can remember my family and friends give me all the advice. Sleep when baby sleeps. Do not worry about the dishes or dusting. Snuggle your baby and get down on the floor and play with your little one. Dust bunnies will remain, dishes will be there but your little one will be little for only so long. Well… I must say my family and friends were right. Both my children are getting married and I promise they were just born.
Why do I suggest milestone photography… Because you will want to look at these photos when your little one starts kindergarten. You may want to hang the photos in your hallway or going along the stairs and see the transformation of your baby growing. From the time you brought your little one home from the hospital, 6 months old when they are sitting up, 9 months when they start walking and 12 months when they taste their first food or try to dive into the cake.

Many times my clients enjoy the studio as your little one will get distracted really fast if you are in a park setting and if you are wanting to have posed photos the studio is less distracting. However if you want to watch your little one play in the park and get life’s happenings this can be done as well.

This is also a fun way to stay at one location and keep the consistency for your wall photos or watch your little one grow into the outfit that might be too big and then fits perfectly at one. The ideas of your milestone photos are endless.
I would enjoy being your milestone photographer. Reach out on my contact page or give the studio a call to schedule your session.
Maternity | Newborn | Milestone Photographer
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