Motherhood and Milestones | Union, Missouri

Hey! I wanted to jump on and give you a quick tip . This will be a short but mighty read today! Let me dive in…

With the help of my momma client and my little client I want to share with you what assisted and unassisted means in the photography world. I hope this helps when booking with me.

You can see this is assisted. My Mom is right there by her little ones side and and we actually discuss when mom will move her hand to take the photo and at times I am removing mom’s arm and body to keep baby safe. Honestly many times we play tummy time or have more of a lifestyle photo session when your little one is not sitting without help to secure they are safe.

As you can see I removed mom out of the photo. To show you what the photo would look like when the photo is completed.

Remember when I said that Mom was my helper above. This session was actually a BIG milestone session. Not her birthday but it was a session where she was doing something spectacular. She learned to sit UNASSISTED!

This is what I wanted to show you and I wanted to explain that our little one had the best session. She was so excited to sit with no one to help her. I will tell you that even though she learned to sit unassisted, this was a brand new skill so Mom did stay close by.

This was a very cute session. She was so excited to sit by herself!

I want to share a little secret. I get excited when I see my newborns learn new skills too! I can not wait to see what she will be up to in a few months. I am sure she will be back and I will share her new milestones with you as well.

Are you wanting to get your little ones milestones photographed so these memories will be shared when your little grows up? Contact me to set this up for your family.

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