I wanted to share this story with you, With permission from his mom. We wanted this story to end differently. I followed this little boys journey online, through text and in person. This little boy had a huge support and prayer system. Before I share how strong this little boys fight was. How strong his family is. I want to share that his little body fought hard, His family fought beside him. The doctors, surgeons and nurses all worked hard. There was nothing at all that could be done. These wonderful parents had to make the hardest decision any parent would have to make, after 40 days They had to let him go.

Did you know… Congenital heart defects are the #1 defect and are leading cause of birth defects related to deaths? That is the hardest fact, I did not and after learning this, I wanted to share this with those who may not know this.

Let me be transparent with you here. I am not writing for followers, I am not writing because I want more photography jobs like this. I am writing because I need to heal a little bit, see this is not something I do everyday. actually this is my first time. I am struggling with this loss. I am struggling with how to move forward. This was a hard time as a person and friend . Let me share with you, Many times my clients become my friends. This family they came to me years ago as clients. We built a friendship and they allowed me to become family. I do not take this lightly and I want to honor them and share the life of their loving child.

The first call I received was about documenting this time of his little life. We all had hope that this little boy would come home. Unfortunately, this was not the case and our time with him was short. TOO SHORT. I apologize for the Caps. But, I am sad. I am going through emotions I never thought I would feel. Why am I feeling these emotions. I met him twice. he touched my heart 10000 times. His little body fought so hard.

He will continue to raise awareness even without his physical body being here with us. He will forever have a place here in our hearts. His story will never be forgotten. He will forever be apart of my life. That is why I tell his story, He is important. He is loved and he will always be remembered.
I want to share a few facts about congenital heart defect (CHD). Congenital Heart Defects are the most common type of birth defect, affecting about 1 in 100 babies.is a problem with the heart or blood vessels that is known at birth. Congenital Heart Defects are the most common type of birth defect,Congenital Heart Defects affects about 1 in 100 babies.

Symptoms of Congenital Heart Defects can include: abnormal heart rhythms, blue-tinted skin, shortness of breath, failure to feed or develop normally, and swollen body tissue or organs.
Treatments for Congenital Heart Defects include: medications to lower blood pressure and control heart rate, heart devices, catheter procedures, surgery, and heart transplant.
In some cases, Congenital Heart Defects can be identified before birth, or in extreme cases, treatment may be advised before birth.
Congenital Heart Defects can range from mild to severe, and can include: A small hole in the heart, Missing parts of the heart, Narrowed or leaky valves, and Poorly formed or missing blood vessels or heart chambers.
Knowing all this you can see how hard his little body fought. The only comfort I will always know is that when this little boy left the world he felt loved, supported and warmth. He felt no pain.
I ask you to continue to pray for his family. Today, tomorrow and as often as you want as he is home and no longer in pain. Their hearts will forever miss a part of their little one.

Calvin thank you for sharing your story. Your time here on earth was short, you will never be forgotten and forever be loved.
Wow this is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing and great job capturing this Nicole. Love this so much! Brinker family we are constantly thinking of and praying for you all during this very difficult time. We pray that you feel Gods love and peace during your time of pain. May your sweet baby boy Rest in Peace and his story always live on. Hugs!!!
Thank you Amy, This was definitely a hard write. I felt called to write about this beautiful boy and his strong 40 days here on earth with us. His story will forever live in my heart and I will forever hold his time spent here with me. His family are dear friends of mine and I pray for them daily. Thank you for your kind words.