Alaina’s baby story started when she was growing in her mommy’s tummy. Bry is a beautiful momma.

I welcomed Alaina in my studio this past month. Alaina is the third baby Cahill that has had photos with Rekart Photography. Alaina’s cousin Amelia was my first little squish who started the Cahill Family Newborn sessions.

I must admit I love telling a families story. The Cahill story keeps on growing and I am for sure here for it! Jennifer and I became friends when her first granddaughter was born. Being a photographer has brought me so much joy and many wonderful friends and bonus family members. Jennifer is one of those friends who entered my life during my photography career and has remained my friend through all her little grand girls who enter this world. 

Alaina Grace was born with 8lbs 2oz. of all the cutest squish, If you know any of the Cahill boys you will see she definitely has the Cahill features. Alaina also inherited that beautiful Cahill hair. The Cahill jeans are strong and it did not skip a beat when Alaina was born.

Alaina’s big sister Ella has grown into such a little cowgirl on a real horse or off she is a farm girl through and through. Ella will be sure to teach her baby sister all the things to do or not to do (insert me giggling) on the family farm. Bryanna, Ella and Alaina is teaching these girls how to be the strongest girls on the farm and off. Bry you have your handsful but you do this mom thing so gracefully. I am beyond proud of you!

Thank you Cahill family for continuing to allow me to tell your families stories behind my lens, I am honored to be your family photographer and friend.

Documenting your special memories, Whether you are calling these moments belly bump photos, pregnancy photos or maternity portrait session. This is the perfect way to hold onto these memories. If you are anything like me, you probably find yourself looking back at photos of your belly bump and compare your children’s bump photos at each stage, you go back to photos to remind yourself what your children looked like when they were babies. I would love nothing more then to celebrate your pregnancy and your new baby’s arrival. I am offering lifestyle newborn sessions, these are in-home sessions. Baby in the nursery, siblings reading or peaking over the baby’s crib, You know the proud big sibling moments or Join me in my Union,Mo. Studio for a posed newborn session. YES! family portraits are included.
I understand this is a very exciting time in your life, it is also common for clients to feel nervous about having their photos taken. Your maternity and Newborn photos might be your first professional photography session since your senior high school photos or your wedding. I am here to help you every step of the way to create a comfortable, enjoyable and memorable moment you will look back on for years to come.

Maternity | Newborn | Milestone Photography
Scheduling contact me: | | (636) 584-5274