Hello! It has been a hot minute since I have posted. I am hoping you will read this. I really want to connect with you and let you know what is happening in 2024. If you have any questions please contact the studio by email or phone. I am trying to keep all my contact with you in one space so I am not missing anything. I am also not a huge fan of facebook messanger as they get to pick what I see. I have missed a lot of messages last year, I am wanting to stay on top of this from the start this year.
I am sure you heard if you are following me on Facebook… But, If your not… One you should be following my page. 🤣 the second item up in 2024 I have hung up my wedding photography tool box. I am no longer offering wedding photography. I absolutely loved my couples and I was honored to work with each of you. I want to personally thank you for the opportunity to be your wedding photographer.
Therefore Starting in 2024 I will be going FULL-TIME and back to my roots with NEWBORN Photography! I am beyond excited to have this opportunity to safely snuggle your little ones.
rekartphotography@gmail.com | (636) 584-5274
The short answer no. The more in depth answer….I want to document Belly-Bump to Baby, and the sweet in between stages. Maternity sessions are On-location or in my in-home studio. Newborn sessions will be in my home studio.I have many new props, wraps and outfits. I will continue to offer Milestone this includes one year sessions as well. I love watching your sweet little ones grow. I am adding Baby feeding sessions, Expression sessions and Children Portraits. If there is something you do not see above that you are wanting please do not assume I am not offering these. Just send me an email or call the studio and ask. If I am no longer offering these sessions I have a photographer list that I am sure specializes in what you are looking for. For those of you new here. My Home-Studio is in Union, Missouri |
Hey Nicole, Will you only be photographing NEWBORNS?
I also want to celebrate my 10 years in business by offering a giveaway!!!! You are hearing this first! With this being a Milestone year in business and going back to Newborn Photography it is only fitting that I will be offering 1 Studio Newborn Session.
Nicole, How do you enter in this giveaway?
Thanks for asking. 🤣
I will soon be sharing on facebook the giveaway directions.
However you are one step ahead and that is you already have signed up for my emails. 😁 I told you joining my email list will pay off.
Your next steps are easy peasy… Once the facebook post is posted on www.facebook.com/rekartphotography If you have not yet.. like and follow my Facebook page. You can do this right now as well. The last few things to do will be to share my giveaway post, Tag someone who is expecting and comment your due date in the post. The post will be posted at the end of January so you have time.
As of tonight that is all I have for you. I am sure once I hit submit, I will think of something else I needed to share but, for right now I think that is all I have to share.
Happy New Year!

I am coaching/mentoring. Are you wanting to take your photography to the next level? I am outlining basic business, Maternity, Newborn and children posing. Let me know you want in and I can sign you up before my one on one coaching fills up, I also have a group for my students on facebook, If you take any of my classes you get free content all year.
Do you want to hear what is going on with Rekart Photography first? Join my email list. I am not spammy and only send you emails when there is something going on.
Let’s connect this year!