I am a maternity and newborn photographer, I asked my clients to help me in writing this for you. I am thankful to those who took the time to share your fun date ideas for the pregnant mom.

Let’s get started in talking about the date ideas. Whether you are going to take yourself for a date or go with your significant other. We came up with eight of the best ideas.
Summer is upon us so it is a great time to head to the riverfront in washington and sit on a bench overlooking the river. Before you head to the river you could stop by the https://www.mainstreetcreameryco.com/ this cute little ice cream place is in the Washington, Mo. downtown area.

Are you wanting to head to Saint Louis you can head to a Comedy show at the Funny Bone or Helium Comedy Club. Hey momma a little hint maybe wear https://www.thinx.com/thinx-for-all-leaks for the laughter you are about to have. (I am not affiliated with thinx). However they were recommended.

Are you not wanting to stroll far from home. No worries, I have you covered, You could talk a walk around your blok or on your property and get some fresh air and still stay close to home. How do you turna. quick walk into a date day or night? Order Pizza and snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie all from the comfort of your home.

Have you ever been to Klondike Park in Augusta, Missouri. This is a beautiful place that will make you feel like you are at the beach in Missouri. No Ocean but a pretty lake and a great place for a picnic. Pack some fresh fruit and veggies and sit and people watch or better yet just lay your blanket out and sit back with your significant other and enjoy the peaceful time together.

Game Night! Grab a board game or two and you have the best date night at your house. Whether you are playing cards or Yahtzee, I am sure your significant other will make being together fun. They might even let you win!

The last two date night ideas during your pregnancy are both my favorite ideas.
Couple prenatal massage or better yet your love could drop you off for an hour prenatal massage at https://www.massageonmainllc.com/ or https://www.washingtongreenspa.com/prenatalspa and they can head to the store for the perfect Pamper your basket.
Need help with what to buy for the Pamper you basket? Here are a few things she might enjoy!
A new book her favorite author just released, her favorite candies, her favorite lotion for a foot massage at home by you, essential oils (be sure to grab some products at the spa she is at) I just visited Massage on Main and I am in love with there bath bombs and lotions, sunscreen for her ice cream date at the river front or the picnic at the beach, a new blanket or large towel for the picnic at the beach, new shoes for the walk you will go on or maybe you can toss in a little love note and add that you will hire or clean the house yourself while she relaxes at the prenatal massage. These are just a few great gift ideas. Here is the link to a house cleaner that I use. https://dusttoshineco.wordpress.com/
No matter how you plan a date during your pregnancy, I hope you have fun and enjoy sometime for yourself.
*Bonus idea: Hire a maternity photo session and document this journey with them. I will plug myself here. http://www.rekartphotography.com
A prenatal Chiropractor appointment the changes your body is having needs TLC. No matter the stage in your pregnancy a chiropractor could help your body and your mindset. My go to Chiropractor https://www.dobschchiropractic.com/ Sam is an amazing and knowledgeable chiropractor.