What nobody tells you about being a new mom| Franklin County Missouri

Hey Momma! Let’s talk about the things about being a new mom. One thing that I can remember was the excitement of breastfeeding my baby, What I didn’t realize was that it was not going to be easy. I thought it would be easy. Baby sees boob and boom latch and eat. This was the furthest from the truth and the struggle with her latch iwas not as easy as I thought. With my first she was like a Piranha and I was not at all educated on the right way she should latch. You guessed and as I am writing this I literally cringe on the thought of her taking my nipple. Sore and cracked nipples. Are you with me? My second little one the perfect little beauty, Well she was a suck me dry and cry for more baby, You guessed it Low milk supply. Talk about defeat. Why could I not supply enough for her. The postpartum blues hit me hard and I struggled with not being a good supplier for my child. Truth bomb! You are enough. You are going to have to feed your baby a different way. Okay I did quickly learn that bottle feeding was not the end of the world and It actually was such a way for dad to bond and might I say get up for a midnight feeding. Both my girls are strong and mighty and one was fed for 7 months with my body and the other 2 weeks and then my supplied dried and she became a amazing formula feeder and sleeping through the night. Okay well it was not that easy and it took longer for her to sleep all night but… A mom could make the story of motherhood look promising.

New mom feelings

Let’s talk about the rollercoaster of emotions that come with being a new mom. Sleep what is that? Coffee or energy drinks become your new best friend to survival mode. But wow! is it worth it. I can remember the first night the girls slept all night. My body awoke and I freaked out thinking why~ Why did she not wake up. She needs me to feed her. She needs a clean diaper. Why is she not crying. Shaking my head and walking to look over the crib to find my sweet little baby sound asleep, beautiful and grabbing all the sleepy vibes I really should be getting. I can remember after standing over her for what felt like 30 minutes I should go to sleep because let’s be really this sweet little baby will wake and need me. Walking back to my room and tossing and turning to finally fall asleep when the sweet little baby starts crying for me. Yup! Kick myself in the booty and remind myself to sleep when baby sleeps. Do you feel me?

One other great thing about being a new mom, the idea of a nice hot shower, hot coffee or better yet hot food. You know where I am going momma. You learn to love the hot mess flip that messy bun up and rock the yoga pants you put up 3 days or wait was it 5 days ago you had a hot shower. You might even get help to grab a quick shower and then the laundry is still sitting in the washer that ran last week that you forgot to toss in the dryer to only run it again and throw them yoga pants back on. You learn that cold pasta is not that bad and cold coffee taste better after sitting on the counter and forgotten about. Because your little one really needed them momma snuggles.

Momma these are the memories you will sit back when you are an empty nester and miss. I promise you. I am here typing this doing just that. I smiled writing all these things because boy are they true but let me tell you it is all worth it. I am a proud momma to 2 adults who recently purchased homes and are both planning weddings. Wow! I am one lucky momma to be able to share a few of those new mom memories.

Baby bump | Rekart Photography

Is there something you are going through as a new mom? Is there something you went through as a new mom and would like to share with a mom who might be going through right now. Please comment below. I can bet a new mom or a mom who is just like me empty nesting could possible be your mom friend.

Stay with me as we talk next week on the new mom, where are my people at? Yup we talk about life changes and finding friends who are going through life just like you. Maybe we can connect you to your next bestie.

greenery baby
  • I will disclose that I am not a doctor nor are most of my readers that will comment. Postpartum is real. If you are feeling down, lost or in need of someone to talk to please reach out to your doctor.
mom and baby's hands

Rekart Photography | Maternity | Newborn | Milestone photographer

August is breastfeeding awareness month. I am offering a feed your baby series. Are you wanting photos of you and your baby contact me to schedule your photos with me.

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